It’s A Man’s Market: NFT Female Artists Made 5% Of Sales In 21 Months

ArtTactic, the research firm, published a report where they found out that female NFT artists only made 5% of all Nifty Gateway’s NFT sales during the past 21 months.

The NFT space generated a trading volume of over $10.67 billion in 3Q 2021 alone, and with such a remarkable growth ArtTactic’s report set off many alarms.

Anders Petterson, the founder of ArtTactic, started the report by saying: “Before we throw ourselves into the metaverse, it might be a good idea to stop and ask ourselves what we want this digital universe to look like, before we repeat our mistakes from the past.”

Source: ArtTactic

Grimes is the only female artist to make it to the top-10 NFT sales list with $8.9 million in sales. The next one ranked below the top-10 is Jo-Ani Charland in 50th place with a total of $1.6 million in sales.

Many have talked about the potential for diversity in the NFT ecosystem and the technology itself indeed opens horizons for many, but can the individuals that manage it do the same?

As this generation is more amicable than any has ever been to women in power, men still control the majority of the money, they control the markets: who buys the most, who sells the most.

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Know The Artworld Market: What Will Be NFTs’ Take?

The National Museum Of Women In Arts shares on its website many facts on gender inequity in the arts reported by different surveys and studies all over the world, and it is not a pretty landscape:

  • “There are no women in the top 0.03% of the auction market, where 41% of the profit is concentrated. Overall, 96% of artworks sold at auction are by male artists.” Bocart et al., “Glass Ceilings in the Art Market”
  • “The NEA found that as women artists age, they earn progressively less than their male artist counterparts. Women artists aged 55–64 earn only 66¢ for each $1 earned by men.” National Endowment for the Arts
  • “In the U.K., 64% of undergraduates and 65% of postgraduates in creative arts and design are women, but 68% of the artists represented at top London commercial galleries are men.” Freelands Foundation

Is It A Matter Of Risk-taking?

A 2021 GFLEC survey reports that “women are less financially literate than men”, “but they know more than they think they know.” The study claims this “can be explained by women’s lower confidence levels”.

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Some have expressed that it is a matter of taking risks being characteristic of masculinity, but risk-taking is not a one-dimensional personality trait, meaning that any person could take risks while making certain decisions, then take no risks for others. So, what creates the gender gap in financial risks and the technological world?

As humans, we tend to avoid what we see as a high risk. Women will naturally avoid the spaces that seem riskier to them than they do to men. Cordelia Fine, an associate professor at the University of Melbourne, researched multiple views on the risk-taking subject and quoted a study by James Flynn and colleagues that suggest an important remark:

Perhaps white males see less risk in the world because they create, manage, control, and benefit from so much of it. Perhaps women and non-white men see the world as more dangerous because in many ways they are more vulnerable, because they benefit less from many of its technologies and institutions, and because they have less power and control,

In a research paper written by Gianni Brighetti and Caterina Lucarelli they state that:

Our findings support that there is no “biological” reason that induces women to be risk-averse, or in general to refuse uncertainty. (…) Nevertheless, (…) our paper asserts that a cultural bias induces women to believe themselves as risk averter, on the one hand, and men to believe themselves as risk lovers; even if the both, facing a risky task, behave the same.

A Harvard University legal scholar Cass Sunstein, also quoted by Fine, goes through what lays behind choices: “aspirations, tastes, physical states, responses to existing roles and norms, values, judgments, emotions, drives, beliefs, whims.”

Is it evolutionary or is it cultural? Saying that it is an “evolutionary” trait sounds like there is nowhere around it. Calling it “cultural” or understanding the psyche behind it implies a possibility of change and a systematic reason behind it.

Women do not exist to “ensure” reproduction as if they were less human or had less consciousness than men. The inherited traits that resulted from a man’s world are there, but no longer needed to survive them. 

If there is something women should “avoid” is further inheriting the so-called “lack of confidence” behind gender disparities in the tech and financial world. Hopefully, the alarming report will result in more female artists finding their way into the NFT ecosystem.

Bleeple’s “Human One,” A Sculpture + NFT Hybrid, Sold For $28.9M At Christie’s

Digital artist Bleeple cemented his place in the history books with this one. Auction house Christie’s sold his human-size 3D video sculpture and NFT hybrid in their first live event since the pandemic. The piece exceeded expectations, the projections had “Human One” selling for $15M and it almost doubled that. Does this hybrid format open a new chapter for NFT art? We wouldn’t know, but Bleeple’s piece sold alongside works from Jean-Michel Basquiat, Banksy, and Peter Doig.

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A better question might be, are NFT artists willing to put this much effort into their pieces? 

What Do We Know About “Human One” By Bleeple?

The real-life installation is almost 7 Ft. high and consists of four screens. It has a computer at the base. The environment the astronaut-like figure walks through is ever-changing. According to Christie’s “it’s drawn at random from a data pool of the artist’s visual creations that is accessed via the Ethereum blockchain.” Not only that, informs us that “Beeple’s plan is to shift the generative art images over time “in response to current events,” Christie’s said. The result will be “an eternally contemporary work of art.” 


— beeple (@beeple) November 10, 2021

But wait, why would they use the Ethereum blockchain where a normal database would suffice? We hope that the owner doesn’t have to pay gas fees for that. The clips are one minute long and the piece keeps changing 24 hours a day.  In any case, Ethereum hosts the NFT attached to “Human One.” A crucial piece of the pie, since Bleeple is known for his record-breaking “Everydays – The First 5000 Days.” It was the first NFT Christie’s auctioned and it went for $69M.  

In any case, Mike Winkelmann AKA Bleeple described “Human One” as “the first portrait of a human born in the metaverse.” He told Christie’s, “I want to make something that people can continue to come back to and find new meaning in. And the meaning will continue to evolve. That to me is super-exciting. It feels like I now have this whole other canvas.”

ETH price chart for 11/10/2021 on Kraken | Source: ETH/USD on
What Do We Know About The Auction And The New Owner?

According to Barrons again, “the auction focused on art created since 1980.” The event was “live-streamed to the world with specialists in London and Hong Kong manning the phones and projected on video screens in New York.“ The following videos capture all the action. In the first one, Bleeple himself gives us a backstage tour to Christie’s headquarters. In the second one, a fan screen-captured the moment in which the auctioneer sells Bleeple’s piece.

— Alex Roman (@3rd7th) November 10, 2021

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Why do they say $25M in the video but the official Christie’s page says $28.9M? That information is above our paygrade. We did find who the lucky new owner is, though. Crypto-focused family office Dialectic’s Managing Director, Ryan Zurrer. A notorious NFT collector that used to be the Web3 Foundation’s director. In his announcement tweet, Zurrer thanked Bleeple “for the visionary innovation, amazing new energy and hilarious positive vibes that you’ve brought to both crypto and art.”

Secured the ONE. Thank you @beeple for the visionary innovation, amazing new energy and hilarious positive vibes that you've brought to both crypto and art. gn

— Ryan Zurrer (@kukulabanze) November 10, 2021

In his response tweet, Bleeple said “INSANELY HONORED to be in this collection.”

That’s the “Human One” story so far.

Featured Image: “Human One” screenshot | Charts by TradingView